Who are You, Where are You - Philippians Start

Philippians 1:1 (ESV) Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, 
To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, with the overseers and deacons:

In Paul's greeting to the church in Philippi he says a mouth full.  

First, he and Timothy regard themselves as slaves.  They were leaders who counted themselves servants of all.  Just ask Christ diagnosed for the disciples.

Second, he calls them "saints."

Saint in Greek is "hagios" it means holy or pure.  Paul refers to what they are NOW in Christ.  It is of utmost importance that we remember what Christ has made us before anything else.  Before we learn our "Spiritual A, B, C's, we need to see what Jesus did in making us holy and pure before the Father forever. 

Our task is to live up to what is our reality.  As children adopted into his family, we have new privileges and new responsibilities.  We are holy, that is separated unto God for His purpose and plan.  Our lives are no longer defined by what happens to us, but what God is doing in us and on behalf of us and through us.

But what I love the most is that Paul calls them saints in Christ Jesus "who are at Philippi."  Who they are is more important than where they are.  Christian, you are not American before you are a follower of Jesus and a saint in Him.  Where you are isn't essential.  Who you are is.  You are God's child who just so happens to live in Philippi.  That's important for them to remember.

Philippi was named after Alexander the Great's father who conquered and renamed it.  Then in 42B.C. it was the sight of the battle that killed Julius Ceasar's assasins making way for the reign of Octavius Caesar.  For that reason, it held it's Roman heritage in high esteem. When Paul first came to the city, they had clearly identified themselves as "romans" above all saying in Acts 16:21 (ESV) They (Paul and his followers) advocate customs that are not lawful for us as Romans to accept or practice.”

Isn't this amazing, now just a few years later, they are newly identified with their eternal home.  The home of the pure and holy.  The home of heaven.  Are they still on Earth?  Yes.  Are they defined by it?  No.

Do you know why this is important?  Because of where Paul is writing from.  He's in a Roman prison chained to a Roman guard.  And instead of identifying his locale, he identifies his calling in Christ.  Who am I?  I am Christ's servant, wherever I am.  My identity is locked in Christ, no one else.

No matter where life has you, remember God owns you and loves you.  And that reality is far more important than anything else.

Father, help me to remember I have been made holy.  Help me to remember, that this country is not my ultimate home.  I want to live at peace with all men and shine the light of the Gospel, but I never want to be comfortable with this nation as my place of residence.  Glory to your name!


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