Watch Yourself

1 Timothy 4:16 (ESV) Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers.

Timothy is a Pastor struggling through his Pastorate of an important Early Church.  He's dealing with false teachers, arguing over silly myths, and to top it off: looking down on him for his age.  Paul gives the young disciple much needed advice.  

When your surrounded by doubters, look at yourself.  Keep watch on yourself.  It's not about what they say, it's about what you do!  

It can be summed up in two words: GET BUSY.

You don't have to prove yourself by arguing.  Words on the defensive rarely convince anyone.  So Paul gives Timothy a great word of wisdom: "Set an example" (VERSE 12).  Let these haters see your earnest energetic endless work for God!  It will speak for itself and keep you on track!

So Timothy...
Lead!  VERSE 11: "Command and teach these things"
Give the Word to people constantly VERSE 13: "
devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching.
Keep your gifts alive.  Paul said this earlier: VERSE 14: "Do not neglect the gift you have"

Sometimes our enemy is not being busy enough for the Lord.  Too much time on our hands is a bad thing.  We need goals.  We need jobs.  We need to put our lives into motion or we will drift into spiritual entropy.  

Notice, Paul makes certain to drive it home to Timothy:  Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers.

Sometimes it feels like we don't have enough to share.  Share anyway!
Sometimes a preach can feel like the people are sick of his preaching.  Preach anyway!
Sometimes we might feel like we are repeating something.  DO IT!  Jesus repeated Himself to the disciples many times.  They didn't get it usually either!
Sometimes people will question us and doubt us.  Lead them anyway.

If you're waiting for an invitation to be God's servant, stop!  Just go for it.

Father, help me to stay busy.  Give me more, Lord.  I want more opportunities to minister and share.  I don't want weeks where I do not have responsibility in the ministry.  Keep me on my toes.  Open doors for me that require me to persist in these gifts and callings you have placed in my life.  And finally, may I have eyes to see the opportunities.  And may I never turn away from them.  In Jesus' Name!  Amen.


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