The Other Side of Faith

Hebrews 11 is the Hall of Fame for the people of faith.  It lists the great ones: Abraham, Moses, David, Samson, Gideon, etc... All the people we herald for their unflinching commitment to God's unseen presence and unbelievable power.

We look at them and think in some small way - maybe we can achieve such great testimonies of faith.  To stand with the hall of heroes knowing that we aimes for permanent rewards and performed miraculous victories, deliverances, and conquests for the Kingdom of God.

I especially like the content of verse 35 where people were raised from the dead!  Wow!

But oh how quickly, the page turns in Verse 36.
Hebrews 11:36–38 (NLT) Some were jeered at, and their backs were cut open with whips. Others were chained in prisons. 37 Some died by stoning, some were sawed in half, and others were killed with the sword. Some went about wearing skins of sheep and goats, destitute and oppressed and mistreated. 

I don't know about you, but that's not my idea of a great testimony.  Being shut in prison, sawed in half, living destitue and oppressed or being mistreated as a sign of my faith?  I'd rather let someone else bear that calling.

What is more, this looks nothing like the faith I hears about from the televangelists.  I thought faith was believe it and you'll receive it.

Okay, I didn't actually think that.  But I appreciate the honest of the writer in Hebrews 11.  There are many faces of faith.  There are Moses-types.  And there are sawn in half - types.  Which one will you be?  Most likely someone far from either extreme.  But you get the idea.  Our world is not this world, our home is in heaven.  And how it goes for us down here is not the final chapter.

So whether you "win" or "lose" on this side, the writer is making clear, doesn't define your life.  You are, in Christ, in search of the eternal city made glad by the Glory of the Lord.

It closes out with this sentence:
Hebrews 11:38 They were too good for this world...

I like that.  Not that they were proud or arrogant.  What could they be arrogant about???  Simply put, they weren't meant for this place.  They were meant to be with God.

And in Christ, that's the reality for us!

Father, I get caught up in the here and now way to often.  Help me remember this is a temporary living space.  Help me to live with heaven in my heart.  And here on Earth, may I accomplish your will with my life.  Amen.


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