Time for Others

Paul is wrestling with whether or not he would rather go to be with the Lord or stay in prison on behalf of the Philippians and the cause of Christ.

He writes,
But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account. (Philippians 1:24 ESV)

It's funny how many people want more time so that they can live for themselves. Paul is a changed man, he wants more time so he might live for others.

I think we forget that even our time is a gift from God. We don't know when our time is up, perhaps that is for the very reason that we use it not for ourselves but for other people as well. 

One of the best gifts that we can give is our time. We can always earn more money but we can never earn more time..

Paul says:
Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith, (Philippians 1:25 ESV)

What is he convinced of? Is convinced that his life is meant to be a benefit to other people.

I think this is where the breakdown occurs for most people when it comes to time. When you are convinced that your time is for your life, you are more apt to withhold it for others.

They say "time is money". As if to qualify just how valuable time actually is. But if Paul was to rephrase that quote I bet you he would say "time is people." Because people are the most valuable commodity in our lives.

You can't earn more time.
You can't earn more people to influence.

Make them both count for eternity.



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