Our Prerogative

1 Timothy 3:16 (ESV) Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: 
      He was manifested in the flesh, 
      vindicated by the Spirit, 
       seen by angels, 
      proclaimed among the nations, 
      believed on in the world, 
       taken up in glory.

Pauls is writing to Timothy because of the importance of the Church.  Just before this passage, he tells Timothy (and us) why 1 Timothy was ever written. I love when the Book actually tells us why the Book was written (See John 20:30-31)

Paul says in 1 Timothy 3:14–15 (ESV) I hope to come to you soon, but I am writing these things to you so that, 15 if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth.

The Church is of utmost importance to the work of God in the world for several reasons according to scripture.  Here, the reason is the Church is the pillar of support for Truth the World needs to hear.  100 pillars, such as they had in Ephesus (where Timothy was Pastor) held up the great marble roof of the Temple to Artemis.  Today that temple lies in ruins, but the Truth of Jesus Christ is still being held up across all 7 continents and almost every country.

The Church exists to be the voice of TRUTH.  Whether or not people receive it or like it.  In fact, many will be against it.  We still must hold it up.  We must defend it.  Today it is getting harder to defend the TRUTH of Scripture.  People are intolerant of Christian beliefs and practices.  The Church is under attack.  Yet we now more than ever before need to hold up the truth for all to know and hear.

Then, Paul gives Timothy our prerogative!  We are to proclaim Jesus, born in the flesh, empowered by the Spirit, seen by angels.  We are to proclaim Jesus to every nation!  We are to expect people to believe on Him!  We are to do this NOT because it is popular.  It may not be popular at many times.  But still we must preach Jesus to all people.  

May our Churches catch this fire again!  May we stop trying to solve the world's problems through politics and performance.  Our message is CHRIST!  God with Us!  Jesus the way the truth and the life!

Notice that right after this confession of our mission - Paul is going to delve into the departure happening in the Church.  It is for that reason as well, Christ must be proclaimed, louder, bolder, stronger than ever.  

Father, I ask you to help me proclaim CHRIST!  Help me to clearly and succinctly tell others about Him.  May I never waver!  May I never fall into deceiving spirits!  Deliver me from evil.  Your Kingdom Come!


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