Cultural Sensitivities

1 Timothy 2:12–15 (ESV) I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve; 14 and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. 15 Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.

W come to one of the most confusing passages in the New Testament for our day.  Many a churches have relegated women to sub-standard roles in the church because of these verse.  At the same time, many churches, seeking to be all things to all people have overlooked Paul's admonition here in this text.

This passage presents for us questions and at the same time, answer a question we may not actually be asking at first glance, but should.  

What is the role of women in relation to man?
If women are saved through childbirth, what about women who cannot give birth?

It cannot be any clearer for Paul as to the first question.  Authority in the home is given to the man.  A wife is called to submit.  A husband is called to sacrificially love, to lead and supply for his family.  Anything less is worse than an unbeliever's way of life.

As to the second question, the Greek text supplies illumination necessary for Paul's train of thought.  In the Greek, Paul says, "she will be saved through THE childbearing."  He is speaking about the birth of our Savior which came from woman.  We must remember God's words in the garden to the serpent in regards to Eve: 
Genesis 3:15 (ESV) I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”

The Lord Jesus, born of a woman, came into the world, defeated our adversary and saved us!  Let us never forget the debt we men owe to the woman.  Yes, it was Eve deceive (While Adam was with her), but it was Mary who brought forth God's salvation plan.  

So Paul presents us with high esteem for women and at the same time, clearly defined roles in relation to the man.

Yet this text speaks larger than these issues.  It reminds us that the Bible will at many times upset our personal or cultural sensibilities.  A Bible that you find always agreeing with how you see the world may not actually be the Bible as God intended it.  Many today are offended when the Bible draws boundaries for sexual lives, or taken aback when Jesus commands us to love our enemies.  If the Bible is not at times at odds with our preconceived way of living, I dare suggest it is NOT the Bible that needs updating.  And that if we listen to what it says, we find ourselves better for it, changed, renewed, and rooted in the Love of God.

Father, may I never get too "old" for your Word to be corrective and formative.  May I ALWAYS humbly submit to the authority of the Bible.  Keep me from wandering in the path of this world and the sensibilities of an ever evolving cultural standard.  Ground me in Your Truth.  Your Word is Truth.  Amen!


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