The Arena of Christian Growth

How do we grow as Christians?

Paul says it in Philippians speaking of his ability to handle all kinds of monetary situations:

Philippians 4:11–13 (ESV) Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. 12 I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. 13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

He learned how to be content in any situation.

The arena for growth in the Christian life is circumstances.  Whatever it is about your life that has you frustrated, angry, looking for answers, there's a good chance, it's God's design for growth in your life. 

Notice that Paul doesn't gloss over what he went through.  He clearly states that he abounded at times and he was hungry at others.  He learned through it all how to be strong in the Lord.  

That's the real Christian's victory.  To be strong in the midst of times where anyone else would get weak and give up.

So what is it for you?  
A difficult and challenging relationship?
A trial at work?
A conflict with a friend?
A monetary season where things are not coming together like they should?
Are you experiencing a dark valley of sickness or spiritual dryness?

Let us not ignore, Paul says he learned in times of plenty.  These also are arena's for Christian growth:
God has blessed you abundantly and you are being challenged now to be more generous than ever.
Perhaps things are going well and you're drifting, facing a challenge of apathy in your faith.
Are you experiencing the things that tend to make us depend less on Christ?  

We must learn how to abound apart from the external realities of life!

Count it all joy, James says, this is going to make you perfect and complete. You will be lacking in nothing.  Then he talks about the rich man and the poor man as examples of places where trials happen.

Notice Paul's phrase: "I know how to abound."  He wasn't dependent on external circumstances to count his life blessed.  He was unaffected by circumstances because He had gone through them before with the help only found in Christ.  He knew inwardly that his attitude and knowledge of Christ was the secret sauce to life abundant in spite of turbulence.  

Embrace your struggle as schooling for self-sufficiency in Christ alone.  When nothing in this world can keep you down, you are well on your way to a life of victory and peace.

Father, help me grow in whatever I am going through right now.  Help me to not base my abundance on what I possess.  


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