Doing all things without Grumbling

Do all things without grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, (Philippians 2:14, 15 ESV)

It's easy to hear, and easy to read, and easy to say but it's another thing to do this verse.

But we cannot help thing of how grumbling is what's kept the Israelites out of the Promised land in the Old Testament.

Grumbling is serious.

It's not even a physical sin. It's a verbal sin. It's funny how different we measure sins from how God measures sins.  I looked up the antonym of grumble online.  The answer was: "silence." 

What's your complaint?

Is God taking too long?
Is God not answering your prayers the way you'd like?
Is He letting life happen in a way you'd want changed?

Think of how stupid that is.  He is God.  And you are His child.  He is a good Father.  A better Father than human fathers. 

I think a gruming mouth is a sign that you have lost your understanding of God as Father. 

That's why Paul includes being His children in the promise to non grumblers.  Non-grumblers know their Father is in control.

There's a second promise here in Philippians 2 for those who refuse to grumble.  It's the promise to shine!

The grumbling of the universe started with Satan.  He grumbled that heaven wasn't his.  And he lost his chance to shine. 

Be careful of a grumbling mouth.  It could keep you from your best opportunities. 


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