The Good and Noble Task of Pastor

Pastors (overseers in 1 Timothy 3) are to be men of great character in order to take care of God's Church.

I think it is important we note Paul tells Timothy that if men "aspire" to be a Pastor, this is good.  The word for "aspire" in greek is oregō.  It literally means: "to stretch oneself out with your hand."  I know this from experience, Pastoring will stretch you.

It's okay to want it!
I grew up in a day when young had to feel "called" to be a Pastor.  I wonder why?  Why do we feel someone needs a "calling"?  I know Acts 20:28 says the "Holy Spirit made them overseers" but here Paul says it's a good thing to want to do it.

Notice, this is an "office".  It is clear from scripture, God wants overseers in the church.  They are to be men worthy of respect and respected.  They are to keep charge over the flock as a shepherd.  They are in place by design in the New Testament for the sheep in Jesus' pasture.

I think of one qualification here that we may often overlook.  He must "be well thought of by outsiders".  That is, those who do not go to the church must think well of him.  How important this is!  For the head of an organization usually is the representation of it.  I have seen some Pastors who were not so well thought of outside the church, some even may wear it as a badge of honor.

The greek "episkopos" here for "overseer" were municipal officials in the cities and towns.  They were supervisors of cities.  How amazing!  I have seen some men become pastors because they cannot hold down a descent job anywhere else.  What a detriment to God's church!  What a bad impression!  If the church is the body of Christ, then those who lead it must be well rounded, able-bodied, successful men from society.  Not just those who "feel called" to do it.

May God give His church in America men like that!  And may God bless such men with churches who will support them well.

Father, Your Church needs to get back to honoring You from the top down.  Pastors are under attack as weel. I pray for the Church in America.  I ask that You will put men of upstanding character in its charge.  Help us to find the right men.  Help me to be a right man!  Your Church is so important.  May we see it as such in this Country once again.


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