Distracting Nature of Sin

Hebrews 12:1 (ESV) Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us...

We have a race to run.  It's been marked.  There are amazing illustrations from this verse referencing the ancient greek games.  Between 40-45,000 people watched a foot race measuring 600 feet in length in one long straight line.  They marked the race with stone sills at the beginning and end.  Each runner put his foot on a line drawn in the sand from which we get the phrase, "starting from scratch."

The author of Hebrews sets a great example for preacher.  For he speaks the language of the people using concepts they can visualize.  I can see a New Testament writer using the NFL markers or terms like 4th and 11 to call us to press on in Christ.  Who knows, perhaps if the Bible was written in 2013, the word, "Lombardy" would have made it in!

Another thing he does... He spends time in the roots of our faith.  He gives us 10 chapters of high priests, laws, sacrifices, methods and illustrations from the Jewish ritualistic manner of worship to relate to the fulfillment found in Christ.  Now the author is addressing people where they live and what they know.  That's what good preaching does.  It goes deep into the soil of God's Word and touches deeply into the soil of culture and makes a bridge wide enough for many to cross.

But the word in this verse I want to look at is about the "sin which clings so closely."  The word is "entangled" in the NIV.  It's a picturesque word meaning "easy to pull away."  It carries the concept that sin is not just something you do dishonoring to God.  Sin is something you do that robs you of a good run.

How can a runner run when he's looking at his feet?  Or the crowd?  Or the track behind him?  He would be distracted easily.  That's what sin is.  It is an easy distraction pulling us away from our ultimate potential in Christ.  The fact that it is easy points to the reality of how many are given way to pursue it and be pulled by it.

Hebrews tells us lay it aside.  Don't give in.  If it's easy, even more, fight hard to face forward and look to Christ who coaches you to the finish.  Get in the Word, get on your knees.  Quiet your life and press on in the Lord!


Father, I want to focus on my race.  I want to be found in you completely totally committed and singularly minded in obedience.  Keep me conscious of how sin is most destructive to me!  I ask you, help me RUN!


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