Love that Works

Paul's prayer for the Philippians is wonderful:

Philippians 1:9–11 (ESV) And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, 10 so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.

Love without knowledge and discernment is useless.

Love needs to know Jesus.  So that love can be the Jesus kind of love.  Love cannot be some simplistic form of emotionally driven sentimentality for someone because we "should love them."  Love cannot be what the world calls love.  Love cannot overlook sin and be okay with choices that damage and hurt people or others.  Love must know Jesus.  Jesus was full of grace... and Jesus was full of truth.  

Second, Love needs discernment.  We must not "blindly love" in the name of Christ.  For some will take it and disregard it, using it to their own selfish advantage and harmful desires.  Too many times in the past, I have extolled people to love apart from the discernment of the Holy Spirit.  And many times I have seen the effects of love without discretion.  Even Jesus said, "Do not give to dogs what is sacred."  

Don't get me wrong, love everyone.  But be knowledgeable and discerning in his application.  Some times I think we the church are too guilty of being too gullible in our practice of faith.  There is a strategy to be implemented if we are ready to listen to the master.  

We are to "approve what is excellent" in our world, in our situation, in our sphere of influence.  That is, what relational ways can we love that shows approval to what is excellent.  Love must make a distinction between what is good and what is excellent.  Love must choose what is best for all and not just for one.  Love can sometimes be rebuke.  Love can sometimes be warning and reproving.  Like the love of a parent who screams at a child chasing a ball into the street.  To do anything less would be unloving.

Bottom line, this is "abounding" love.  Love that grows in the knowledge of Christ and practically acts in the wisdom of God. 

It's not my job to tell you the exact hows and whens to love, thats what the Holy Spirit is for.  Ask Him to lead you, He will, and you will be fruitful in the right places. 

Father, that is my prayer.  I ask the Holy Spirit to help me love with knowledge and discernment.  To love in the manner of Jesus.  To love with the wisdom of God.  To love the way You love.  And to love for the glory of Christ!  Amen.


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