
Being a Pastor, or even just being a Christian is simply joy and agony. 

Joy in the illumination of our hearts to know and love Jesus, the scriptures, and enjoy the power of the Holy Spirit in the love of the Father. 

Agony in that's we are at war within this world of sin, shame and death.

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:12 ESV)

Paul is giving Timothy some final edification.  A letter filled with how-to's on Pastoral ministry in the face of difficult people and circumstances comes to a final call: FIGHT.

The Greek word for "fight" here is "agōnizomai".  It is simple to detect in the English.  It's the word Gony.  We fight in this life.  That is, we agonize through. I can tell you first hand on the outside my life looks really good, blessed and favored.  In many ways it is.  Yet I fight constantly.  I am in regular bouts of agony through life.  Letting go of the past.  Embracing the things I cannot change. Dealing with difficult relationships.  This is the reality of our lives.  This is the reality of walking with Christ in a world very much hostile to Him. Fighting is ugly.

What are we to do?  Fight through.  Sometimes there's no 5 point plan for peace.  Sometimes you just agonize through and wake up in the morning. 

Then he says "Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called". The verb means to violently grab a hold of something.  It's the same word for when the soldier grabs Simon of Cyrene to carry the Lord's cross. It's forceful.  It's not passive.  That Paul tells Timothy to go for "eternal life" means he is not talking about death and life after.  There is something to be had now, here, on Earth.  

Its is that joy and hope in Christ you that makes the circumstances dissipate and dissolve. It is the ability to be content in any and every situation.  It is available, bit it is not something that comes easy.  Fight for it.  Press on.  Get in the ring.  

And pray!

Father I want to know the joy of eternal life.  I want to experience it.  I want it to be beyond my circumstances and situation.  I want to feel your presence peace and love.  For when You are near, all else fades away.  Oh, lord, hear me and answer my prayer.  Bring me close to You. Amen.


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