Teach Me How To Fight

Timothy had received prophecies over his life.  What an honorable experience.  But Paul is going to let Timothy know that becuase of those prophecies, he had better be ready to fight.

Timothy was a young pastor with a high calling.

Let us never forget, the more God plans to use us, the more the devil wants to destroy us.  Look at what Paul says to his son in the faith:

1 Timothy 1:18–20 (NLT) Timothy, my son, here are my instructions for you, based on the prophetic words spoken about you earlier. May they help you fight well in the Lord’s battles. 19 Cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear. For some people have deliberately violated their consciences; as a result, their faith has been shipwrecked. 20 Hymenaeus and Alexander are two examples. I threw them out and handed them over to Satan so they might learn not to blaspheme God.

Two things we will need to win the Lord's battles:

1. Cling to your faith.
Time will come when doubt will creep in.  You will be tempted to waver.  You will be tempted to give up on Jesus.  Don't.  Cling to your faith.  The faith is that which as been delivered once and for all (Jude 3). Your going to have to reach back to the true message of the scriptures again and again.  

This is a fight.  You will have to wage this battle to keep your faith in Christ pure.  Sometimes in my own ministry, I am tempted and troubled by the teaching of others.  I see the damage done in the church and the fallout of those who only give half-truths of what the scriptures teach.  Knowing Paul warned about this 2000 years ago helps me keep my mind alert to what I should expect in this endeavor.

2. A clear conscience.
He says, "keep your conscience clear".  Keep to what is true and do it.  You know what is right and you know what is wrong.  Take the way that is right.

Like Paul, I could tell you of friends and associates over the years who have fallen prey to this world and its vices. Notice Paul says they "deliberately violated their consciences."  This doesn't happen by accident.  People know they are turning away from the truth.  They are choosing to take the road their hearts tell them is wrong.

Here's what I know.  You can feel yourself slipping.  You can feel the allure of the easy road.  You hear the voice saying take it, you deserve it... others have... 

But don't take it.  Stay true to what you have been taught.  Keep your conscience clear.  Take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ.  

This kind of fighting is going to be necessary and endless!  Don't be surprised by it.  You are at war.  You are going to need to keep your guard up.  Christianity is NOT easy.  It is NOT the path most chosen.  And there will be times when breaking the rules and doing life on your terms will look attractive and seductive.  

Paul gives Timothy a clear warning.  And we need it as well.  So we can fight.

Father, forgive me for forgetting that this is a spiritual battle.  Forgive me for professionalism.  Forgive me for letting my guard down because I feel like I deserve better or it's just a job, or feeling out of step with the way the world works.  I needed this reminder today.  And in the days ahead.  AMEN!


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