People are Icebergs

The sins of some men are conspicuous, going before them to judgment, but the sins of others appear later. So also good works are conspicuous, and even those that are not cannot remain hidden. (1 Timothy 5:24, 25 ESV)

It's called the iceberg principle.  What you see at first in people is usually 10% of what they really are.  You look at someone, they seem clean cut and a trail of horrible sin lies under the surface.  So too you may overlook someone else who seems rough on the exterior, and come to find out, God has made them a living miracle.

You just don't always know.

What do you do?

You wait.

It's interesting Paul puts this verse in the context of leadership appointment.  A few verses earlier he cautions Timothy against placing hands suddenly on someone.  That is, don't appoint someone to elder or pastor to quickly.  Why?

You just don't always know.

Leadership is knowing to wait in judgement on a person before assuming the best or worst about them.  The hard part of ministry is that you want to believe the best about someone but ultimately you might experience far worse than you ever could have thought.  Believe me, I have met these people.

You just don't always know.

In the end, the best decision is to use caution and care. To let time give you answers and respond accordingly.

You just don't have to rush.

Jesus is building His Church and its not up to you.  

Patience is a virtue every leader needs.

Father help me be patient with people. I want to see the best in them.  I want to see what they can become.  But I want to honor your house with holiness and integrity and good service in the Name of Christ.  Give me wisdom to lead this great work, in Jesus name.


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