The Strength of Grace

2 Timothy 2:1 (ESV) You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus,

Grace can bring strength.  If there were no chapter divisions (as the original Greek NT had), you would read from chapter one into two without interruption as it should be.  Paul has been talking to Timothy about those who have abandoned the faith and walked away from Paul himself as a friend.  Paul now turns to his faithful pupil Timothy commending him to the grace of God to keep him from following the landslide of abandonment. 

Paul appeals to grace. 
He doesn't say, be strengthened by the joy in Christ although there is joy in Christ.
He doesn't say, be strengthened by the love of Christ although there is love in Christ.
He says be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ.  There is no grace outside of Christ.  

And grace gives us strength.  John Stott writes, "It is not only for salvation that we are dependent on grace, but for service also." Grace gives us the ability to serve and stay the course in the midst of a wavering public of personal defection.

Hebrews says, "So do not be attracted by strange, new ideas. Your strength comes from God’s grace, not from rules about food, which don’t help those who follow them." Hebrews 13:9. 

We stand by Grace when we stand with the Word of Truth.

But how?
By realizing it's not of your own works! Every other form of religion or sought out solution to our problem is based on what we do and perform.  The Gospel is based on what Christ did and performed on our behalf.  GRACE!

Paul says in the next verse: and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 2 Timothy 2:2 (ESV) 

Timothy - remember what you've been taught by me, and pass it on.  What else would Paul have taught Timothy except to understand the depth and riches of God's grace for sinners.  His unbelievably rich patience with us.  His consistent faithfulness to us.

Timothy must teach the Gospel... passing it on to others.  This will also deepen the strength of grace IN Christ Jesus... WHY?

Because there is not better way to know a subject than to teach it.  I've learned this by experience of course.  You don't know the Bible as well as you can until others are dependent on you knowing it.  What are you passing on to others?  This is a question for all of us, not just Pastors like Timothy.  For Paul told Timothy to pass it on to men who can teach others!  

Our faith is based on communication.  God spoke the worlds into existence.  God spoke to us in many ways through the prophets.  Jesus is the Word of God.  The scriptures were opened to the disciples after Jesus breathed on them to receive the Spirit of God.  We grow stronger in grace by letting God's Word flow THROUGH us not just TO us.  

Don't be a reservoir of the good deposit God has made in you in Christ Jesus.  Pass it on and grow in strength.

Oh Father, help me identify my Timothys.  I want to raise up other men who can teach.  I haven't done this as well as I should yet.  Give me an eye for those who are under my tutelage   And help me make the investment I should.  I thank you for those who invested in me.  I want to grow in strength by grace.


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