Who Jesus Helped May Shock You

I have always misread the passage about the Gentile woman with the sick daughter.  I used to see what Jesus says to her as a test of faith.

Mark 7:26–27 (ESV) Now the woman was a Gentile, a Syrophoenician by birth. And she begged him to cast the demon out of her daughter. 27 And he said to her, “Let the children be fed first, for it is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.”

I realize now based on the background of where she is from, that she was indeed a pagan!  This woman was not close to being a believer in Israel's God.  J.R. Edwards says, "Tyre (where she was from) probably represented the most extreme expression of paganism, both actually and symbolically, that a Jew could expect to encounter."  They were hostile to the Jewish nation.  Just two centuries before, while the Jews fought for independence, Tyre sided with the opposition.  The Jewish historian Josephus called them “notoriously our bitterest enemies.”

It is no wonder Jesus calls her a dog and refuses her first request.  After all, He's fatigued and tired of unbelief.  He has withdrawn to get away from the hostility of the religiously zealous Pharisees who seem to oppose Him at every turn.

In His first response, Jesus clearly illustrates His mission to the Jews first, He doesn't compromise God's Word.  She has no right to ask the God of Israel for anything.

Her response:
Mark 7:28 (ESV) But she answered him, “Yes, Lord; yet even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.”

It's not exactly a conversion, but its a good first step.  She acknowledges her position before God.  She doesn't deserve what belongs to God's people.  She would however, appreciate a simple scrap from the table of the Master.  This is humility we don't see often. 

Jesus says, "For this statement you may go your way; the demon has left your daughter.”  

The statement brought healing to her daughter.  It wasn't signing on to a creed.  But it was the best thing she could say.  I'm not worthy and I need your help.  

God is willing to help anyone with that kind of heart.

Sometimes I'm guilty of seeing people who don't serve Jesus with an evil eye.  I don't think they deserve it.  After all, the government can help them, their families could help them, or they could join my church and then we would help them!

But Jesus exhibits an others focus rarely found in some of the most fundamental churches today!  We need to remember this.  The Gospel is good news for everyone!  Even for those who don't believe like us!  How else will they know the love of Christ if those who are in Christ do not show them? 

Father, you know I'm bad about this one. I need to see everyone as someone for whom you sent your Son to die. I need to remember that I am saved solely by your grace.  I pray for the heart of Jesus to overwhelm my stingy spirit.  Change me from the inside out.  Start this in my life, Oh Lord.  Amen.


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