Pray, Just Pray

Mark 11:24 (ESV) Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Jesus couldn't be simpler and more direct in His admonition to us about prayer.  We are to ask.  We are to believe, and we are to receive.  What a blessing.  I think of Billy Graham who said, "Heaven is filled with the answers to prayers that have never been prayed." 

We have to learn to become great askers.  We are beloved Children of God through faith in Christ.  And that same Christ said that if we have faith in Him, we are to expect an answer to our requests from the Father.  I take special concern over my children's lives.  I hear their voices in a crowded room.  I want them to be well fed, well-adjusted and able bodied adults one day.  

And compared to God, Jesus says I'm evil!  So how much more does God want to bless you and multiply you.  Believe Him.  Stop letting go of what could happen.  Don't give up.  The Israelites cried out to God for 400 years before Moses came to deliver them.  The nation cried out for 70 years before they were brought back from Exile.  And yes, sometimes God says no.  But it is a gracious no.  A no we need. 

Not to be passed over is the next verse in Mark 11:
Mark 11:25 (ESV) And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”

Forgive!  It is important to remember un-forgiveness is a cherished sin that keeps our prayers from being hurt by God.  Don't hold on to the hurts of yesterday.  Focus on what God wants to do through you today.  God is a present tense God.  He is "I Am", He always is.  So focus on today.  Focus on this moment, let go and let God take you from here to where He wants you.

Father, I pray for great ministry in my family.  I ask that you use each member of my family to bring people to know and love Jesus Christ.  This is your will oh God, that none should perish.  Fill my family with the Holy Spirit to accomplish great things, to prophesy and to lead others into a personal encounter with the Risen Christ!  AMEN!


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