Hearing Not Doing

There is no more sinister character in the Gospels than Herod.  He is THE pompous, arrogant, self-centered, egotistical, murderous, adulterous king of the heathens.  His puppet reign keeps Israel from becoming true to itself and so coalesce with their Roman occupiers.  He persecutes his own, and at the drop of a hat murders the most revered prophet of the day at the whim of a teenager.

Some king.

But it is with great curiosity that we read something of Herod that seems an asterisk on his legacy:

Mark 6:20 (ESV) Herod feared John, knowing that he was a righteous and holy man, and he kept him safe. When he heard him, he was greatly perplexed, and yet he heard him gladly.

He feared John.  Not enough to eventually murder him for of course he feared his reputation more.  
He knew John was righteous and holy. 
He kept him safe.  Apparently, John has an unseen advocate amongst the "powers that be."

Even more, he heard John.  He didn't listen, but he heard him.  I know he didn't listen because it didn't get in.  He was perplexed.  

Then this: He heard him "gladly."

There's a lot of people in churches like Herod.  They hear the Word gladly but they don't do anything with it.  There's a little bit of Herod in all of us.  We know what is says is right and holy.  We like to hear it preached.  But if we're honest, we ignore some of it.  

What are your Herodian principles of God's Word?  The sexual purity passages?  The financial management passages?  The love your enemy lines?  The part about jealousy and bitterness?  

The answer?  Live with conviction.  Life is too short to be scared of what others think.  If you die, at least you could say you died being sure it was what you knew to be true.  If you lose friends, at least you know now they were never friends to begin with.

That's what John the Baptist did.  Today he's revered with Herod is as his side note. Following Jesus may cost you, but at least you were true to your convictions.

Here's why I serve KING JESUS.  
He's not adulterous but faithful.
He doesn't get bribed.
His conviction carried Him to the cross.
He was bound so we could be free.
He took my death instead of ordering it.

He is worthy of listening to.  Not just with delight but also with doing.  May God lead you to the real King of the Jews... and your King too.  Jesus.

Father, help me to live to understand the nature of Jesus my King more and more.  Help me to see Him everywhere in Your Word.  Help me to do more than just hear.  I want to be a doer.  Amen


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