
Mark 6:4 (ESV) And Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his own household.”

Think about this as a definition for dishonor - "to treat someone as common."

When Jesus goes home He gets treated in a way that's completely strange compared to everywhere else.  He gets treated commonly.  And it limited their experience with Him.

They ask:
Mark 6:3 (ESV) Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him.

Jesus is not common.  Limiting who He is in your mind only robs you of the glory available to you through Him.

You know why Jesus wouldn't do miracles in His hometown?  Because they had been too familiar with Him.  They didn't see Jesus for the honor and glory He is due. The treated the bright and morning star as a common street lamp.

This is THE problem with America.  Where are the miracles? Where are the mighty works of Jesus in the church and in the country?  We have no honor for God!  Consequently, we don't see the miracles and mighty works.  

It's true.  I remember hearing of Angus Buchan.  He is a farmer turned preacher in South Africa.  He travels all over the continent and runs an orphanage.  He's raised the dead, and done mighty miraculous things in Jesus' Name.  On a documentary, after sharing Jesus with a crowd of thousands, they come screaming to the front to know Jesus.  The thrill in their eyes is like the thrill of a football fanatic on the 50 yard line.  And he turns to the camera and says, "This is why I don't like to preach in Western Countries."  Translation... you don't find honor like this in countries like ours that have it so good.

My prayer is that we get back to honoring Christ for Who He Is!  And I do think for the first time in a while - there is HOPE!  I see it, I feel it... I think as the secular movement grows, and the pressure gets put on the church - we are going to seek Him like He always should have!  We just may be on the mighty precipice of a dynamic move of God in this country.

But it starts with HONOR.  He is LORD of Glory.  He is LORD Almighty.  He is EVERYTHING.

Father, I pray for our country.  I pray for my heart.  I pray that I might be gripped with WHO you are instead of the flashing pictures on a screen or the fancy show on TV.  May I see you... May I honor YOU!  May it be in my actions, words and deeds.  In everything.  I ask for your forgiveness for every getting too comfortable with YOU.  You are EVERYTHING TO ME.... I love you.  I honor You.  In Jesus' Name, AMEN.


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