Hearing is Finding

I had to consult a popular commentary from the get go on this verse in Mark.  And what I found was well worth my short search:

Jesus says in Mark 4:22–23 (ESV) For nothing is hidden except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret except to come to light. 23 If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”

Nothing is first hidden, Jesus says without the express purpose of later being revealed.  Remember that Mark emphasizes the "Messianic Secret" in his Gospel.  That Jesus continually commands people to NOT say who He is.  Here is a clue as to why God brought about His redemptive act through His Son in such an in auspicious manner.  God loves to thrill us with discovery!

If you have children over ages 3-10 you will know this to be the truth.  I loved playing hide and seek with my oldest children during those years.  The purpose of the game was to hide oneself SO THAT you are discovered.  It's actually an interesting game in that it gives us such great joy!  To hide and NOT be found is counter productive and NOT fun.  The search, the seeking out, the building tension as you try with your heart to find that other player is what brings excitement and dynamic.

God knows this is how we are wired!  We love to search and learn and discover!  We are made for it.  This is why He hides his Son in the desert of palestine in the manger trough of a feed animal.  What a great start to the search for meaning and purpose and fulfillment in life.  

Jesus is talking about Himself.  Hiding now, people are clueing into WHO He is slowly and surely.  The anticipation mounts. 

So how do we find?  We listen!  Jesus says, "If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear".  The hearing is the finding.  This could be the verse on which the statement of Paul, "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God."  

Want to grow closer to God?  Listen to His Word.  It is clear from the beginning of the Bible, God is communicating.  He is talking to us and His voice is the main interaction He maintains with us from eternity past.  

Close your eyes and open your ears.

Let the game begin.

Father, I need to keep my ears open and my MOUTH shut as well as my eyes.  Help me to have ears to hear, time to set aside and let you speak.  Thank you for speaking to me when I least deserve it.  Thank you for communicating.


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