The Messianic Secret of Mark

Theologians tell us the Gospel of Mark has a particular emphasis pertaining to the secret of Jesus' Messiahship.  In one chapter, Mark lists two miracles, and each make it clear that Jesus doesn't want anyone to know who He is.

In the healing of the leper, Jesus puts his foot down with the recipient of the miracle:

Mark 1:43–44 (ESV) And Jesus (Note the words) sternly charged him and sent him away at once, 44 and said to him, “See that you say nothing to anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer for your cleansing what Moses commanded, for a proof to them.”

The word for "sternly charged" him is one word in Greek.  It is a word representing deep emotion expressed inarticulately

In Mark 8:30, Jesus tells His disciples who now have come to know who He is not to tell anyone about it.  After the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus tells them not to say a word until after His resurrection.  Even though they were still too dull to understand what He meant by "resurrection."

Why didn't Jesus want people to know Who He was?  

Simple.  Because Jesus knew what He had come to do as God's Messiah.  He came to be God's suffering Servant.  He came to die and redeem us from the curse of sin.  He came to undo what Adam did.  And letting people know who He was before getting to His goal would only hold Him back from the purpose intended for Him.

This is so opposite to the world we know today.  Everyone is so focused on who they are they have forgotten what they are called to do.  

In the world, people seek to "be someone special."  Online we glorify the silly and absurd.  
In the church we want titles without actual responsibility. 
In the family we want the beautiful life without the hard work necessary to sustain it.

Jesus didn't need the praise of people make it to the Cross.  He knew His calling.  Jesus is our Lord and Savior because He focused on what He came to do rather than toot his own horn.  Instead of consistently "talking himself up" Jesus humbled Himself and obeyed the Father.  

Do you know where the secret is finally let out?  At the foot of the Cross.  The Roman Centurion looks up and declares: "Truly this man was the Son of God!” Mark 15:39

Not only is He Savior and Lord.  He is the MODEL of our faith.  To follow Christ is to take yourself off any pedestal the admiring public place you and do what God has told you.  Because if you define yourself by what people say about you, you may miss out on doing what God has spoken to you.  And even more, chances are when you start doing what God has called you to do, you may upset the people who have come to know the "idea" of you. In the end you're frustrated, people are let down, and your life's purpose has missed the mark (no pun intended).  

Yes!  Know you who are.  In Christ!  If you are IN CHRIST, you are accepted, blessed, and beloved by God Almighty.  You are destined for heaven. Jesus on the cross took care of making you a somebody.  Now get up and do what the Father has said.

To understand or identity IN CHRIST is the ONLY WAY we can stop worrying what the world thinks about us and do what the Father has commanded us regardless of the pinions or accolades or attention it may cost us.  AMEN!

Father, help me to never fall in love with "being someone" in the eyes of the world.  I know who I am in you - your son, your child, your servant, the apple of your eye.  Thank you!  That is enough.  Teach me to let go of the accolades that do not matter so I may give myself fully to what does.  Your perfect and pleasing will.


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