The Other Side of the Sea

Mark 4:35 (ESV) On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, “Let us go across to the other side (of the sea).”
Mark 5:1 (ESV) They came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gerasenes.

Mark 5:21 (ESV) And when Jesus had crossed again in the boat to the other side, a great crowd gathered about him, and he was beside the sea.

There is something I learned recently.  The Sea of Galilee makes its first appearance in the New Testament.  Before Jesus, there is not one singe mention of this body of water.  Yet in the Synoptic Gospels, its mention is constant and central to the geographical movement of Christ with His disciples.


In the 1st Century, Israelites avoided traveling by sea.  You didn't do it unless you absolutely had to.  Israel was a nomadic land-loving people.  They were defined by the "Promised Land" of ages past.  They still felt a sense of belonging to the land.  Yes, four disciples were fishermen, but 8 weren't and fishermen didn't cross seas, they simply drifted a little ways into them.

The sea was trouble for Israel.  Their scriptures even had a book about a rebellious prophet who ran from God and travelled by sea... we know how that went!

But Jesus keeps COMMANDING these guys to go across to the other side of the sea.  Why?  Could it be, Jesus is preparing them for the mission of the Church?  His movement is going to be world-wide and not regional.  His followers will have to travel land and sea.  When Paul, the Apostle comes on the scene, he is constantly traveling to unreached people groups by sea.  One day centuries later, a new continent would be discovered and a new nation of faith established by the Puritans would arise to help bring the Gospel throughout the world.

Jesus was telling these guys, get used to the Sea... because just beyond those troubled waters are troubled lives:
- Like the demoniac of the Gerasenes.
- Like Jarius.
- Like the woman with the issue of blood.

Like the people who are troubled in your life.

You need to conquer your "sea".  That debilitating thing that keeps you fearful and anxious.  That obstacle you don't think is good for you.  The thing you keep praying for God to remove.  Quit asking for it's dismissal and start loading up your boat and get OVER IT.  Jesus is with you.

What is your sea?  Perhaps a difficult and threatening environment is Jesus constantly leading you into.  Or a challenging personality type that always seems to find you.

Whatever it is, you need to start facing it with the confidence that comes from walking with Christ because someone in need is on the other side of your challenge.

Cross your sea.
See the people in need.
Meet them where they be (alright, that was corny, but it rhymed.)

That's what this movement is all about.

I want to always cross my seas with absolute confidence.  I thank you for the seas you've seas you've made me cross.  I am sorry for the complaints.  And I pray for eyes to see my current "sea" and hear your voice as you walk with me... Help me to face it.  Help me to cross it.


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