The Love of Money

Mark 14:10–11 (ESV) Then Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve, went to the chief priests in order to betray him to them. 11 And when they heard it, they were glad and promised to give him money. And he sought an opportunity to betray him.

Judas had a problem with money.

I never saw this before, but Mark puts the woman who anoints Jesus' body with the expensive perfume (worth a year's wage) right before the moment Judas goes to the chief priests to betray Jesus for money. Another Gospel writer reveals during the anointing that Judas used to help himself to the money people provided for the ministry of Jesus.

How ironic that money would lead to the arrest of Jesus.  For Jesus Himself said no man can serve two masters... he will either love God or money.

Judas never even got to enjoy the money.  It cost him his life.  Jesus could have forgiven Judas, but the desire for wealth, the covetous greed of his heart sent him off in remorse that led to death.  How sad.

Remember that Judas had experienced the power of Christ as one of the 70 sent to cast out demons and proclaim the kingdom.  But it was not enough.  He wanted the pleasures of this world along with the power of God.  He wanted what Satan wanted.  He got neither.

Judas serves as a warning to us.  That though you may have experienced Christ, though you may seem close to Him, though you look like part of His movement, your heart can still be captive to riches that lead to destruction.  Be content with what you have!  God is faithfully entrusting to you what He sees fit for you.

The woman proved faithful with her entire life.  She spent all she had on Christ.  We remember her now as a hero and saint.  And she was a woman - someone who shouldn't have known better did while someone who should have known better didn't.  She served Her Master, and Her Master made her a monument of worship.

What is your motivation for your life?  Money or Jesus?  Which will you love?  Which will you serve? Which will you follow?  Only Jesus proves faithful every time.

Father, let money never be the motivating factor in my life with You.  May I not seek the comfort that is offers, but let me lay my life, all of it, before you.  May I never be lured by the wealth of others, or driven to succeed simply for more money.  I ask you in Christ's Name.


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