Unity is the Heart of Jesus

For the one who is not against us is for us. (Mark 9:40 ESV)

Simply put - Don't make enemies. It seems we don't listen to Jesus here more often than not.

John tells Jesus about a man casting out demons who didn't "follow them." The disciples tried to stop him.  This was on the heals of the disciples arguing who was the greatest.  Having been rebuked by Jesus for such thoughts, they turn toward those "other Christians" over there.

It's so crazy how often we act the same way.  Our church is the greatest!  Our denomination is the true church.

Notice Jesus doesn't say, "Did you check his doctrinal statement?" Or "First find a flaw in his liturgy before you try to stop someone."

Jesus said simply, don't create division where there's obvious opportunity for unity.  Separation is the desire of Satan.  Division in the body of Christ is anathema to Christ. He prayed for us to be united as One just as He and the Father and Holy Spirit are one (John 17). Psalm 133 say God commands a blessing where brothers dwell in unity. Ephesians 4:3 says "Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace."

Think God is interested in how well you can put down a Calvinist if you are Armenian? Think God is impressed with you proving how backwards Baptists are if you're a Pentecostal? Think again. Jesus called the peacemakers "blessed, sons of God."

Jesus is for peace and unity.

Are we?

Father our hearts are constantly pursuing our own self-aggrandizement. Our self-importance gets in the way of our ultimate calling, to bring the peace and harmony of God to all people through Christ. Help us, your people to outshine the world in unity and solidarity. In your Son's name, Amen.


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