Discipleship Is To Be Loved By Jesus

Mark 10, Jesus is full on heading into Jerusalem.  He's going to suffer and die, laying His life down as a "ransom for many."  This is also the time where the nature of discipleship comes clear.

Having just challenged a man to sell all and follow, the disciples (Peter) declare how they have left everything to follow Jesus.  Jesus promises rewards a plenty for such acts of faith and commitment.  But He suddenly turns to the reality of His death and resurrection.  

What happens next is so hard to believe.  Right after Jesus foretells His death, James and John come asking to sit at the right and left hand of Jesus in His Kingdom.  Did they not hear what Jesus was just talking about?

It would be completely unbelievable if there weren't a lot of this attitude in all of us.  We say we are disciples, but we all have shadow missions for our own benefit.  James and John are at least up front about it.  The ten are angered with James and John, maybe because they also secretly hoped to be so important. 

One of the things that shocks me is one of them asking Jesus this is John.  John, who we know as the beloved disciple.  He really did change.  In Mark 10, most believe John is under 20.  By the time John writes his gospel, most believe he's in his 90s.  And when you read the Gospel of John you can't help see how much trouble he went to to keep his name out of the book.  He refers to himself simply as "the disciple whom Jesus loved."  John writes an epistle (1 John).  The great theme?  Love one another as He has loved us.  Years later, John is a far cry from the impetuous follower seeking importance of position beside Christ in Glory.

What happened?  He grew up.  

It's really that simple. When your young and immature, you think importance in the eyes of others is going to nourish your soul.  When you get older you realize how empty that goal actually is.  To have the love of billions and not the love of Jesus is ultimate loss.  

John was glad to know the position he had before Christ was not a throne or a title.  It was this: beloved of God.

When that's good enough for you, nothing else matters.

Father, there are still in many of us shadow missions.  Help us to eliminate them.  Deliver us from idols that take our attention away from You.  I want to be found, beloved, and close to your heart.  In Jesus' Name.


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