God's Gifts Our Opportunities

God is THE giver by nature. He is not a giver as that limits Him to one of many kinds.  He is GIVER... All other giving is the result first of God's initial giving work.  Giving creation, giving dominion, giving the law, giving His Son.  God is THE Giver.

In the parable of the Tenants, Jesus talks about the vineyard God plants and leases out to workers who misuse their opportunity given them by the Master of the Vineyard.  After they kill His Son he takes vengeance on them.  Then, the verse reads:

Mark 12:9 (ESV) What will the owner of the vineyard do? He will come and destroy the tenants and give the vineyard to others.

Did you see that?  Immediately after destroying the unfaithful tenants, the Owner (God) gives the vineyard to a new group.  

Of course we believe this is the Church.  The true Israel of God now purchased with the blood of Jesus.  But I think we need to remember - all we have is given.  Even our position.  And it's not our's permanently.  It is "leased" (verse 1) to us.  

I had a leased car.  I drove it differently than any other car I've ever had.  I changed the oil at the right time.  I always was careful pulling in and out of parking spots.  I was intentional about the miles I put on it.  I did these things because I knew I was going to return it one day and be responsible for anything wrong with the car.

That's our lives.  We are not our own.  We are on lease.  Our money, children, things, time.  Even our gifts and talents are from God for a season.  How are we doing right now with what is in our hands.  

This is what the establishment during the time of Jesus had forgotten.  They were not actually "in charge" they were entrusted.  They didn't run the show, they were supposed to be God's stage hands.  They didn't have ownership rights, they had managerial responsibilities.

I'm realizing that every stage of life is a stewardship test.  Every stage.  Youth, singleness, marriage, raising kids, career, etc.  It's all from God.  And the test is my fruit.  To produce for the glory of God will be the definition of my life.  

Father, I want to be a good steward.  I want to see the opportunities I'm missing right now and capitalize on them.  Let nothing OWN me but you.  Let me OWN nothing but YOU.  Help me to lay what is in my hands in your plan.  In Christ's Name.


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