Don't Get Above Yourself

Mark 6:30 (ESV) The apostles returned to Jesus and told him all that they had done and taught.

Mark 6:35–37 (ESV) And when it grew late, his disciples came to him and said, “This is a desolate place, and the hour is now late. 36 Send them away to go into the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat.” 37 But he answered them, “You give them something to eat.” And they said to him, “Shall we go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread and give it to them to eat?”

Look at the sequence of Mark 6… The "Apostles" go out and do miraculous things through all the towns.  They come back and report how much they did for Jesus.  This must have been thrilling and exhilerating.

Notice the crowds chase them down because they "recognized them." It was no longer Jesus alone who attracted crowds.  The disciples had experienced recognizable success!  They were demon chasers!  Here they are!  Wow!

YET… just 7 verses later - the command: "You give them something to eat."  
They wanted the crowds put away.  Surely feeding people was someone else's job now! 

Yet Jesus insisted they serve.  Yes, even after their great conquest and missionary activity.  Even after their powerful experience over demons.  You can almost hear Jesus saying, "Don't think so much of your newfound power that you forget how to serve people a good meal." 

Here's the rub.  They only experience the NEXT miracle as they begin to serve others a meal!  Many Christians never experience the power of God because they never get on hands and knees to serve!  They want the power and the production, but they don't want to humble themselves and give.

There is David, newly anointed king before his brothers.  Where do we find him?  Back with the sheep of his father, faithfully serving where no one sees.  His first order comes from his father who thought him not worthy for kingship.  What are the orders?  Bring bread and cheese to you brothers at the front lines.  He does it.  Anointing oil smell still fresh on his clothes.  He serves.  He feeds.  He is a "man after God's own heart."  And when he gets to the battlefield, the miracle happens. Goliath is defeated.

There is Jesus, anointed of the Father, full of grace and truth.  He is the fulness of God in bodily form.  And he breaks the bread and feed the disciples... then gets down on hands and knees and washes their feet and hours later hangs from a cross.  He serves, and three days later the miracle happens.

Leadership, anointing, power, progress, success are all desirable things.  But in the Kingdom of God, they are not an end in themselves.  While they will come to the faithful, they do not define the faithful or restrict them from being faithful in the little things as well.  Looking for your next miracle?  It may be the next need staring you in the face.

Give yourself willingly in trust to the Master's plan, you may just see a miracle happen.

Father, help me to never let what has happened keep me from serving the least of these in the present.  Help me to keep my head about me... to have the Mind of Christ who made Himself a servant and became obedient to death.   Thank You.  Amen.


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