A God Who Is Small Enough Too

Where are you on your understanding of Jesus? I'm sure you're not where you should be. Thats the nature of following this man of unimaginable glory. Just when you think you've arrived, He ups the level beyond what you can fathom.

I think of the disciples at sea the night they just fed five thousand people which happens on the heels of casting out demons in Jesus' name with incredible results.  Here they are... struggling... against wind.

Mark 6:48 (ESV) And he saw that they were making headway painfully, for the wind was against them. And about the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea. He meant to pass by them,

Wind.  Nothing supernatural, nothing overwhelming.  Just a night of struggle with wind.  We've had them.  Trying to get moving in the positive direction and it seems like nothing really BIG is stopping us.  Just life.  Just the winds we face.  

Have you been there?  On the heels of a great victory only to see something insignificant give you fits?  You overcame the drinking problem but now you're dealing with loneliness?  God gave you a spouse but now you're struggling with your boss?  God saved your marriage but now it's a problem of finding a job.  You'd think that you could handle the little stuff.  After all, how can WIND compare to demons, or a hungry crowd of 5000?

But that's life.  Sometimes its the speed bumps that drop the transmission, not the unpaved road.

Good news is: Jesus sees you and He wants to be there with you.  Notice Jesus doesn't rebuke the wind... and He's planning on walking right past.  But when He gets in their boat, the wind ceases.  

Jesus sees you.  But have you let Him into your boat?  It may seem humbling for fishermen to ask a carpenter to help them manage a stiff wind.  That's usually the door to God's work in our lives... "Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up." James 4:10

God cares about the big victories.  And He cares about the smaller inconveniences.  Why don't we truly believe this at times?  He is Lord over cancer.  And He's Lord over your career.  He's Father over your job loss, and He's Father over your frustrating day.  

I'm glad we serve a God who is never too big to be present in the time of simpler troubles.

Father, sometimes I tend to think you are just for the big problems of my life.  Yet I know you're always there and ready to help.  I ask for a mind to remember that prayer is to be constant.  In everything, may I know your presence.  At all times, may I accept your advice and answer.  Daily, hourly, and minute by minute.  In Jesus' Name, AMEN.


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