Grumble Not

I'm not going to pretend, this verse is for me.  In fact, I downright need this more than anyone.

James 5:9 (ESV) Do not grumble against one another, brothers, so that you may not be judged; behold, the Judge is standing at the door.

James is talking about the return of the Lord. In the same paragraph he turns our attention to how we talk to our brothers and sisters.  James is talking to persecuted Christians experiencing trials of various kinds.  And when the pressure of life is on we all tend to let it fly against those who are closest to us.  For Christians, it can seem tougher to do life in this culture, to know we aren't home, and to be frustrated with the world and ourselves as we see our own fleshliness make an appearance on occasion.  

But we must soberly remember the judgment that awaits us.  Judgment is not only reserved for those sinners "over there." James makes it clear, our judgment is coming as well.  Not between heaven and hell, but for the good or bad things we did in the body.

We will be judged. 

But we will also be rewarded.

James changes gears fast when he calls us to look at Job.  Not at what Job did.  For he did end up complaining about his useless friends.  Look at what "the Lord brought about in the end."  In the end, God blessed Job with double than what he had before.  God is generous and good to those who believe in Him.  

Friend, this is what we tend to forget when we tear one another down in the midst of trouble.  The Lord will return.  He will judge us, and He will reward us.  Let that be the focus of your time on Earth.  It's hard to remember, but it's absolutely important.  Because you can't take back the damage your tongue creates.

Father, you are speaking to me.  And I need to hear.  I'm tired of the way I let my frustrations come out against those who are closest to me.  I'm sorry.  I ask your forgiveness and healing for my horrible attitude at times.  I can't do it on my own.  Who will save me from this body of death?


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