Keep On Believing

Mark 5:35–36 (ESV) While he was still speaking, there came from the ruler’s house some who said, “Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the Teacher any further?” 36 But overhearing what they said, Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not fear, only believe.”

Jairus the synagogue leader has come to Jesus in desperate need of his daughter's healing.  A man who associates with those looking to get rid of Jesus has found himself in absolute need of Him.

Funny how life can do that to anyone.

Along the way to the home of Jairus a woman with a severe hemorrhaging issue comes up and touches Jesus' clothes believing that one touch will heal her for sure.  It does heal her, but it also stops Jesus, right in His tracks on the way to Jairus' home.  He wants to know who she is - even though He already knew.  He wants her to not only benefit from Him, He wants her to MEET Him.  That's the heart of God.  He doesn't just want to GIVE you His good gifts.  He wants to give you His very Self.  Wonderful Counselor.

If you were Jairus though, this interchange would have you looking at your watch.  

"She's healed Jesus, could we move along?"
"My daughter is dying, this woman was simply bleeding."

Jairus' probably knew better to say anything.

Never in a rush, Jesus is in complete control of not only the woman's healing but Jairus' circumstances.

Some people come from his home.  The daughter is dead.  It's over.  Jesus says, "Nope." And commentators will tell us in the original language it's "Keep on believing."

Keep on believing.  That's great advice.

Even when the condition worsens. 
Even when God seems to delay your request.
Even when it seems like God is busy with everyone BUT you.
Even when you've associated with the wrong people in your life.
Even when your dream is dead.

Have you had a set back?  He knows.  And He knows set backs are simply better opportunities for greater step forwards!

Keep on believing.  

How else can you please God?  (Hebrews 11:6)

Father, I believe.  I've believed my whole life.  I thank You for this reminder that to keep on believing is the call You place on all our lives.  Father, you know what we need before we ask.  You know our desires and dreams.  So tonight, I'm still believing You for the things I've asked of you.  Thank you for hearing me and knowing my request.  I BELIEVE.  In Jesus' Name, AMEN.


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