Why Won't God Do Something?

Matthew 13:28–29 (ESV) He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ So the servants said to him, ‘Then do you want us to go and gather them?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them.

We live in a world gone bad.  And we want justice. Usually we want God to do something with the injustice we see, right now... in others.

Be careful.  If God instantly took care of all the wickedness in the world it would include the wickedness in you and me... and I fear for many of us what would be left?  Would we be at all? 

And if not, is God subject then to our whims and fancy as to when He should step in to stop evil and when He should back off?  Like maybe you are one of the disillusioned people who actually believes they've got nothing but good left in them.  Chances are you're related to someone who could really use a lot of wickedness-removal.  So let us adopt your delusion and ask, are you ready to see your close relative go up in judgmental "smoke?"

While we want God to step in, His approach differs from our American sensibilities in the 21st century.  He's been doing this for a long time so His experience and wisdom indeed knows better.

For certain we see injustices.  What do we do?  We wait?  Yes.  But we also work.  We work to grow the wheat among the weeds.  For the weeds are growing.

Tonight Ray Lewis advanced to the Super Bowl.  11 years ago, it was thought he murdered someone and got away with it.  I'm not entirely certain of the facts, but the good things he receives now as a Christ follower certainly do not sit well within many New England fans.

But that's what God's Grace looks like.  It can anger you when you see it lavished on someone else.  The very patience God displays can annoy us.  But even while it annoys us, it is saving US from the wrath we deserve.

I read somewhere that weeds are indistinguishable from wheat until the point of the season when the wheat begins to form heads of grain.  That means the person you labelled a weed might soon sprout a head by God's grace and be one of the wheat.

Be very careful playing judge.
God has that job down.


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