Even when we Disagree

Matthew 3:

Just obey, even when it doesn't agree with you.

When Jesus comes to be baptized by John, John tries to talk hm out of it. He disagrees with what Jesus wants to have him do...

This is JOHN THE BAPTIST.  He thinks the world of Jesus.  He's one of the few that knows who Jesus is.  In Verse 11, “I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."

But this time, Jesus' plan to get the ministry started has the baptist tripped up.

But John tried to talk him out of it. “I am the one who needs to be baptized by you,” he said, “so why are you coming to me?” (Matthew 3:14 NLT)

Have you ever try to talk God out of something?
Are there parts of the Bible that you don't agree with?
- You aren't alone.

Many of the Bible's greatest saints argued and fussed and disagreed with God's calling and God's command to them or for their lives.  Jacob even wrestled with God all night.  But what made them heroes was that they obeyed in spite of their disagreements.

You don't have to agree with God and God doesn't need your agreement.  He doesn't even ask for it.  He asks for your obedience.  And therein ALONE lies the benefit and blessing.

Like John, we can highly admire Jesus, but if we don't obey - we miss the blessing.  It's not about what you think of Jesus as much as it is what you are doing about what you think of Jesus!

In obedience, the doubts start disappearing and the plan starts getting clearer.  For when John obeys he hears the voice of God and sees the glory of Jesus. This would probably help John believe through later doubts.

What blessings might you see in your life is you simply obeyed even when you didn't agree?

I'm picking up a theme through the first 3 chapters of Matthew. God is asking a few men to listen, trust and obey. Even when it's not convenient and hard to understand.

When preaching on Naaman being healed by the less than admirable waters of the Jordan in 2 Kings 5, Andy Stanley simply sums this kind of moment up in one sentence: "To understand why, submit & apply."

I have my own: The Bible puts it like this: VERSE 15 Jesus replied, “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” Then John consented.

"Let it be even if you disagree!"

I like that.
I need that.

God help me to obey you even when I don't agree, or don't want to do what You want me to do. I want to submit to you I want to apply Your Word.  I want to be ready to act even when it's inconvenient or doesn't fit my agenda.  Amen.


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