Unequalled Power

Matthew 8:1-17.  The narrative of Matthew dramatically turns from the authority of Jesus' teaching (Matthew 7:29) to the authority of Jesus' power!

As a Pastor I emphasize obedience to Christ.  What we should do as a follower of Christ.  Sometimes, to many times, I forget to simply marvel at HIS POWER.

  • He did incredible works.
  • There was no one like him before or after.
  • He did things no one else even claimed to do.

Let us not forget the power of our SAVIOR!

We do not follow a religious leader or inspiring teacher, we follow the Son of the living God!!!

He heals the Centurion's servant from a distance.
Then Jesus said to the officer, “You may go home now. Your faith has made it happen.” Right then his servant was healed. (Matthew 8:13 CEV)

He casts out demons with a word.
That evening many people with demons in them were brought to Jesus. And with only a word he forced out the evil spirits and healed everyone who was sick. (Matthew 8:13, 16 CEV)

He touches a the unclean leper and Simon Peter's mother-in-law and they were both instantly healed and immediately began to serve and worship.

And Matthew's account is just getting started here in chapter 8.

What a wonderful powerful Savior of the miraculous!

I had a conversation with someone this week who belong to a movement of churches that were cessationists. They believe the miraculous stopped with the death of the first 12 Apostles.  How sad to believe God is no longer in the business of working powerfully through His people in supernatural ways.

Yet sometimes we all live like that in little ways.  We forget.  We neglect to ask, seek and knock because we have allowed ourselves to be convinced Jesus doesn't do that kind of thing any more... or at least, not for us.

Jesus healed, Jesus delivered, Jesus made whole. Signs of the world when the Kingdom of God is present. And He still does today through His body, the church.

What do I believe God is willing to do, like the leper?
What do I believe God is able to do, like the Soldier?
What will I do with God's healing benefits, like Peter's mother-in-law?


Lord Jesus, You are able, willing and awesome.  I praise You for Your wonderful working power!  I am so grateful to be known by You!  I want to give my life to bring You honor and glory.  Display Your power in Your Church today!  Show Your great and awesome works amongst us now.  I need You.  I love You.  I live to make much of YOU.  AMEN!


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