Shut Up

Matthew 17:5 While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!”

Peter, fresh off being rebuked by Jesus because He sought to spare Him from the cross, is once again caught speaking when the time wasn't right.

Sometimes I'm guilty as Peter.

Instead of soaking in Christ for who He really is.
Instead of understanding Him as the Lord of Glory.
Instead of remembering the old saints of the Bible are still alive and we will see them again.
Instead of thinking about the glories of hereafter...

I'm too eager to go to work, keep busy, build things, do things, accomplish things.  I'm too busy making the moment about me...

What did Peter say? "Lord, it is good for us to be here."

He should have stopped there.  But for some reason, Peter goes right into worker bee mode.  Let me do something in response to this revelation.

While there is absolutely a time to DO... there is always a time to LISTEN.

Shut up.  That's a good idea.

Father, help me to listen. In my study, in my time of prayer... I need to develop a listening ear.  Reveal who you are as you are to me.  I want to see Christ for WHO HE IS.


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