What are You Leaving Behind?

Still in Matthew 4 and I found something interesting...

At some point everybody gets "Arrested."

By that I mean - at some point, you will leave this Earth.  What do you plan on leaving behind?

In Matthew 4, when Jesus learned that John had been arrested he then left Judea and move to Galilee.

Matthew 4:12 (ESV) Now when he heard that John had been arrested, he withdrew into Galilee.
Matthew 4:18–19 (ESV) While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. 19 And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

Once in Galilee  the first thing Jesus does is chose disciples to develop. Could it be that John's arrest made Jesus just think about his own arrest approaching when He willingly lays down His life for our sins?  In response to that - Jesus knows there is precious time remaining to training a team of men to carry the torch.

How did He invest in them?  Many ways.  But here's a few:
1. He believed in them. These were ordinary men who would later do extraordinary works.
2. He showed them what was possible. Then He told them to have faith that they could do it too.
3. He died for them.  He wasn't just teacher and Lord, He was true friend.  He invested relationally.

And Jesus wanted these men to out-perform Him.  John 14:12 (ESV) “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.

That's great leadership.  Jesus was so utterly committed to their disciples that outperformance is the goal.

Life is short.  Who are you leaving behind?

Who are you investing in, knowing that your time on earth is short, and someone needs to receive what you have?  To learn what you can teach?  To see what could be done?  Who are you leading toward Christ?  Who are you impacting for beyond your life and into eternity?

Someone had to lead Billy Graham to Jesus.
Someone had to disciple Rick Warren.
Someone brought you to Christ.

Who will be able to say that about you?

Life is like a drop in the pond.  It happens in an instant but the ripples of that drop go on and on.  I'd like to take full advantage of those ripples I will leave behind.  May they outlive me and bring glory to Jesus Christ.

Life is not about accumulating things.  It's about loving people.  God's greatest investment was the blood of Jesus for our sins so that the teaching of Jesus could change our world through the lives of people.

May your ripples spread far and wide.

God, I want to outlive my life.  And I realize it starts at home.  Help me to invest and develop my children for Your Kingdom and purposes.  It's not about my name, its about Your GLORY.  its about Your plan.  My family, friends, church are yours.  Help me to invest all I have.  Help me to leave it all out on the harvest field that are white.  Help me to believe in people and entrust them for greater successes than I have seen.  Help me leave what you have given me behind.


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