Greatness is...

Who doesn't long to be great?
We all want to be great in some way...

Well, the greatest one ever said the path to greatness is this:
Matthew 18:4 Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

What is it about a child that makes them a perfect illustration for greatness?  Children can be temperamental  impatient, unkind, and selfish.  But there is something all children have...


I think teachability is the key to greatness.  Right now there are lessons you need to learn to be great.  There are changes you need to make to get to the next level of living.  Right now something in your life is out of whack with God and you need to let someone instruct you in the right way you should go.

Without teachability, you're finished.

With teachability you're constantly improving.  To be great is to have a great sense that you are unfinished.  To be great is to take advice not get offended... to learn not simply lecture others, to have a constant quest for how your life can better emulate God's character.

I find the great struggle in my life now (age 36) is to forget to be teachable.  I'm seeing it more and more, this temptation to feel that I've arrived.  But the reality is: anyone can teach me something... Even some people can teach me what NOT to do.  I can learn from anything.  I just need to turn from my self reliance, humble myself, and learn to listen.

When someone says something that comes against your train of thought or way of life, perhaps your training is what needs changing.

God help me to be teachable.  I want to absorb what you want to say to me, no matter who it may be.  Please speak to me Holy Spirit during the teachable moments that I tend to overlook.  Amen.


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