Gentle Healer

Some people wondered if Jesus was related to David...

Then a demon-oppressed man who was blind and mute was brought to him, and he healed him, so that the man spoke and saw. And all the people were amazed, and said, "Can this be the Son of David?" (Matthew 12:22, 23 ESV)

From this passage you can see why. David was the conquering fighting general, commander, and king of the armies of the Lord. David fought, killed and murdered thousands of people. David delivered Israel with war and bloodshed.

Jesus delivers through gentle compassion, grace, mercy and ultimately by dying Himself.

Where David took life, Jesus gave his life.
Where David killed Goliath with his sword, Jesus took the sword.

The good news is - Jesus came to deal with our real enemy - death and the devil.  So he casts out demons.  Interesting to note... David is the only person in the Old Testament recorded to have silenced a demon.  In 1 Samuel 16:14-23 - David sings for Saul who is tormented by an evil spirit.  So then Jesus is the true and better David.  He not only delivers people from demons, but he destroys every power of the enemy.

The nature of gentleness and compassion is something I usually miss in Jesus.  I tend to like His wild side, His untamable opposition to the establishment and His convicting preaching.

But the gentleness is what makes the seeing and hearing possible... which is what started the whole debate in the first place - a blind and mute man now spoke and saw.

Father, thank you for the gentle nature of our Savior.  I stand grateful that you gave Him to us not as warlord, but as peace.  May I reflect this nature more often.  May I remember my true enemy is not flesh and blood.


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