A Prophetic Voice and the Powers that Be

Matthew 14:3–5 (ESV) For Herod had seized John and bound him and put him in prison for the sake of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife, 4 because John had been saying to him, “It is not lawful for you to have her.” 5 And though he wanted to put him to death, he feared the people, because they held him to be a prophet.

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. day.  We pause to remember the man who stood up to segregation and helped to change our nation.

I was reading today that his assassination may have been based on something other than civil rights of African Americans.  Some believe it was a conspiracy of the government because King not only stood opposed to segregation, but started also preaching against US military action in Vietnam.

You see, King wasn't afraid to stand up to injustice in government on both sides of the aisle. Even some of his closest allies didn't like this stance.  In one sermon, he spoke extensively on Jesus' command to "love your enemies."  That's fine in social structures within a nation, its an entirely different matter in international diplomacy.  It's the kind of preaching that will get you killed.

As I read about Dr. King, I thought about how often I see the failings in the party I most commonly disagree with on principle, and then turn a blind eye to the party I like when they blatantly disregard the justice of God.

John the Baptist and Dr. King had this in common.  It didn't matter the power or the party, be it Pharisee, liberal, conservative, or in-league-with-Rome-Herod, when they saw corruption in the establishment, they spoke out.

Where is that same prophetic voice in the church today?
I fear we have lost it because we are able to proclaim a desaturated message more palatable to the world.  To side step some scriptures because they are counter to our cause in the political realm in hopes to dominate the legislative landscape of our country.

I pray we get our prophetic voice back.  That we stop worrying about what we have to lose for the purpose of God in our nation.  I pray we stand up to corruption - be it adultery in high places or misguided policy in foreign or domestic places by either party.

Surely being the salt of the World will sting in the wounds of our national failings.

It won't be popular.  It may not grow a large church.

But it may be our long-forsaken calling.

Father, help my allegiance to you override any allegiance to this world.  Help me to step back and see things from your perspective.  The good, bad and ugly of both alliances.  And then help me to stand with you and speak for you.  Be it popular or problematic.  

In Jesus Name.


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