Religion Kills

Jesus has been doing some remarkable stuff so far in Matthew.  In chapter 12, He allows the disciples to eat grain and heals a man with a withered hand.  After these two incidents, the religious establishment set out to kill Him.

Matthew 12:14 (ESV) But the Pharisees went out and conspired against him, how to destroy him.

This verse strikes me funny.  Here are men fully devout to the law.  They have a list of rules on how to obey the real rules.  They maintain "obedience" to the highest standard.  And yet, when Jesus doesn't fit their agenda or threatens their authority... they are ready to "KILL" Him.  

Isn't there a commandment that says, "Thou shalt not kill?"  Funny how they failed to see the log in their own eye.

What bothered them most was the authority Jesus took over the Sabbath.  He entered, "their synagogue" and broke "their rules."

Religion kills.  And by religion, I don't mean caring for orphans and widows (James 1:27).  I mean the establishment of man for the sake of controlling people.  That is what the Pharisees wanted - control and power.  In their devotion to God, they became devoted to their own ideals.

I have seen it happen too.  Good Christians go sour when they were given authority or position because they now feel it is their responsibility to control people.  I have seen powerful people in tiny churches act like they were President of the United States.  One young Pastor I knew was destroyed by a church of 15 with 5 committees!  How foolish we look to the world!

Yet, who among us is not susceptible to the lure of power and control?  Most of it is over silliness.  Think of the Pharisees - they were trying to control a "Day" of the week!

Religion kills.  It makes us foolish in the eyes of others and keeps us from knowing Jesus.

Father, heal me of religion. Save me from feeling like anyone is under my control.  I want to do good.  I want to obey you.  I want to take the log out of my own eye.


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