The Father Sees and Knows and Rewards

Matthew 6. A chapter I could spent the whole year on alone!

Giving - Praying - Fasting - Serving - Money - Worrying.

In the middle of these important personal topics is this prayer: "OUR FATHER."

Jesus mentions the Father more times in Matthew 6 than any other chapter in the book.

  • 12 times in this chapter, Jesus mentions the Father.
  • 5 of the times, Jesus says the Father sees or knows.
  • 3 times Jesus says the Father will reward you.

He sees.  He knows.  He rewards.

How often do we forget OUR HEAVENLY FATHER! I think it is Tim Keller who said "sin is casting off the fatherhood of God." How true!

Every fake pretentious act of righteousness for the sake of others...
Every ounce of energy consumed with more possessions and wealth....
Every fear and worry about what we have, eat and wear...

Is a denial of our FATHER who SEES and KNOWS us.

Jesus reminds us, He's there.  He's always there and He's not just there... He's OURS!  What an awesome promise.  That the God of the Universe would be OURs.

Notice the descriptions of His Fatherhood:
He is a prayer away from every fear.
He watches our works and takes note.
He wants to reward us Himself instead getting our praise from others.
He knows what we need.
He wants us to ask "give us our daily..."
He wants to feed us.
He wants to clothe us.

And He wants us to stop acting like we're orphans.

God I forget you are FATHER.  I neglect you as FATHER.  I'm here, in your presence.  THANK YOU.  I worship you and praise you for looking down upon me.  For noticing what I do and caring about how I live.  Help me to wake each day knowing you are the FATHER who SEES and KNOWS.


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