Authority Given

When the crowds saw it,  they were afraid, and they glorified God, who had given such authority to men. Matthew 8:9

What authority were they excited about?

Two kinds of authority are both questioned and then displayed in Christ in this passage:
1. The Authority to heal.
2. The Authority to forgive sin.

What authority would you rejoice over?
Depends on your condition. If I'm the paralyzed man, healing power would get my vote.

But here's the fact: physical healing is temporary.  Everyone healed eventually dies.
Forgiveness is eternal.

Christ healed the man to show them the authority He has to forgive sin!

I've spent the last two days limping around on a crippling pain in my right foot.  I don't know where it came from but it's been killing me to walk.  Every step hurts.  I could do very little today.  I wanted to go take photos at the park.  No such luck.  I'm on the couch feeling helpless and pitiful.

My physical pain has me handicapped.

How many people have a crippling spiritual walk because they haven't received the healing of the heart - the forgiveness of sins?  They are handicapped.  Look at the paralytic.  His condition made his life difficult not just for him but for his friends.  What ails you spiritually doesn't affect only you.  Jesus knows this more than anyone.  And so he forgives before he heals the man because the greater miracle is the healing of our hearts.

He forgives so that we may walk free of our past and pain - and glorify God in our present.

Help me to get past my past.  To let it go.  Today I was upset at something so stupid. I lost my witness and I've been beating myself up about it.  My sins ARE forgiven.  Past, Present, Future.  I am whole.  I will walk free because of what JESUS did for me!


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