Running for Jesus

Matthew 2

Nothing could stop Herod from his desire to rule.
No one could get in his way.
Furious, hateful, vengeful, selfish.

What a complete opposite of Joseph.

In the middle of these two men was Jesus, a helpless child, shuttled to and from Egypt and Israel by his father running by his dreams.

The Spirit of Herod:
So many want to kill Christianity. At the time of Herod I'm sure a faithful Jew thought it was impossible for anyone to stop what Herod wanted to do. He created a mountain for his palace.

In our day in America it seems like Christianity is falling away.

But one day all those who want to kill it will be dead and the Lords purpose will prevail.

Question: Why all the running from Herod in the story? What doesn't God just send an angel and kill Herod? Case closed. It's hard to move with a baby and wife in tow. It's hard to change countries and live as a foreigner.

Why does God make it so hard on Joseph? Why not give him a break and kill off Herod?

The Bible says God doesn't delight in the death of the wicked. Ezekiel 18:23

Perhaps God was trying to teach Joseph how to listen and trust Him instead if just removing his problems.

Lord, help me to listen. Help me to trust. Help me not to wish evil on my enemies because I know you're bigger. And you cause the rain to fall on the just and unjust.


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