What Do We Think We Deserve?
The Parable of the Vineyard workers comes on the heels of Jesus' interaction with the Rich Young Man. Jesus ends both sections with this phrase: "many who are first will be last and the last first." The dynamic reordering of the kingdom declares the laborers hired first who bore the burden in the heat of the day received what was promised. The laborers found last and hired received the same. When the first-hired laborers got their due, they grumbled. To me, it's a simple case of bad assumptions. They assumed they deserved better. We do the same. We should notice, the master of the house made the first move with each set of laborers. None of them would have a job without His initiation. But the real story is this - after just one day of working , the first-hired laborers already have in mind what the master should be doing. Isn't that like us? We get saved by grace, and then we unconsciously leave grace for works, thinking we have ar...