Words that Burn

This is why I love studying the Bible through the lens of Jesus as the Son of God.  It burns in our hearts... That was the response of the men on the road to Emmaus:

Luke 24:32 (ESV) 32 They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?”

There are many who study the Bible apart from that lens, purely academic... I honestly don't know why they bother. Scripture outside of the context of the revelation of Christ is empty and hollow. For even Jesus said of the Pharisees they studied the scriptures diligently and missed Him!

Scripture and Jesus are a combination of combustible power in the heart of a Christian. Seeing Christ in the pages of scripture sets us ablaze with passion!

Take Daniel in the lion's den. A great story no doubt. But now see the event as a type of Christ...
- The rulers conspire to put him to death out of jealousy (like the Pharisees).
- He descends into the pit (like the tomb).
- On the third day (look at the passage) he comes out alive!
- The King rejoices and establishes Daniel as second in command of the world. (Like the Father does with Jesus).

WOW! Over and over again on the pages of scripture we see in the Old Testament the New Testament concealed and in the New Testament the Old Testament revealed.  That's why it says Jesus took those men on a tour through the Bible and showed them Himself all along the way...

Luke 24:27 (ESV) 27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.

The Bible is about Jesus.  I don't believe you have your Bible open until you have your Bible centered on Christ.

This is how you're supposed to study the Bible!  With Jesus as the center. It's not just moral code for a better life, it is the revelation of the person and work of Christ achieving God's redemption of our souls.

Look at the Bible academically or religiously and you may find good advice and wonderful pose and powerful stories, but your heart will stay cold.  Look for Christ in the Bible and it will set you ablaze! Look at the change of heart from these two men once they see Jesus... They went from sad and dejected "foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe" to energetic witnesses of Christ!

Psalm 119:18 (ESV) 18 Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.

Father, help me to see Jesus on every page. More importantly, help me to present Jesus in every way I can. Help me to feed your people the living bread come down from heaven. Open my eyes and let me see the wonderful things in Your Word.


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