Faith isn't a Feeling

Luke 17:5 (ESV) 5 The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”

The disciples ask for more faith... probably because of the difficult teachings Jesus had just given them in Luke 17:1-4.  That is, don't cause people to sin, rebuke those who do sin, and forgive as often as someone sins against you even if in the same way and on the same day.  

They aren't prepared for this seemingly immense task to follow Jesus in the kingdom.  They need to have Jesus do something for them to be able to do what He asks.  "Jesus, that's pretty hard, give us some faith to get it done."

What they are expecting is a feeling.  Faith is not a feeling.  Faith is not doing what you feel like doing because God has somehow superseded your emotions.  Your emotions are always going to be based on what you see or experience.  Faith is not based on what you see or experienced in the past, it's based on God.  That's why more faith is never the issue, God and who we are before Him is the issue. 

So Jesus makes this relationship status clear:
Luke 17:7–10 (ESV) “Will any one of you who has a servant plowing or keeping sheep say to him when he has come in from the field, ‘Come at once and recline at table’? 8 Will he not rather say to him, ‘Prepare supper for me, and dress properly, and serve me while I eat and drink, and afterward you will eat and drink’? 9 Does he thank the servant because he did what was commanded? 10 So you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.’ ”

It's not that forgiving others will earn you points with God.  He's already given you total forgiveness for the many offenses you have committed against Him.  You are HIS unworthy servant.  God owes you nothing.  He's already given you everything you could never have earned.

This is not the sum total of Christianity.  For God blesses you and rewards you.  Jesus made it clear His reward would be with Him upon His return to give to each one according to his deeds.  But this is an important concept of Christianity sorely lacking in today's feel good "what's-in-it-for-me" culture.  

You have a duty before God.  You are His servant.  God does not exist to make your dreams come true or fulfill your political, social, commercial, industrial success.  If success happens, wonderful, use it for His glory as His servant.  

Interestingly, in the next passage 10 lepers are healed as they are told by Jesus to go show themselves to the priest.  Only one returns! ONLY ONE!  Lepers were outcasts, separated from loved ones and society in general and plagued till death.  They ALL have dramatic healings which enable them for the first time to live a normal life in who knows how many years!  And ONLY ONE returns.  How sad! Yet how appropriate to our generation of ungrateful takers!  We so easily forget what God has done for us.  We are so busy telling God what we want, we don't worship God for what we have!  

Our lives are not our own... NO, the are far better than that, they are saved from the curse of the law, sin and death.  Let us be thankful and worshipful and much less emotional.  

Faith isn't a feeling - it's surrendering our feelings to the purposes of God.

Father, I'm here to thank you.  I'm here to say I love you and I worship you.  You have made me what I am and I cannot thank you enough.  Forgive the ingratitude.  Forgive the harmful ways I've given myself to self-pity and others-comparison.  I am yours!  Thank you!  I praise you. God, you are Good.  Amen.


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