Opportunity Knocks With Obstacles

Luke 21:12–13 (ESV) they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors for my name’s sake. 13 This will be your opportunity to bear witness.

Did you see it? Jesus says when they punch you and hit you and try to destroy you, when they accuse you of evil and you're facing imprisonment, more beatings or death... don't be discouraged, this is your opportunity to bear witness.  Witness to what? That something better is in store for you as a child of the living God!

I love how Jesus tells us to live.  Not reactive as if the world is against us! We are called to be proactive and positive in any situation! We are to be ready to bear witness to the hope we have in Christ. To show the world that even death cannot disturb us, we have a home in heaven waiting. Christ conquered the strongest threat they could hold over us. No matter how we die, we all will rise! Resurrection is coming!

How do we handle the obstacles we face? The impending anti-Christian sentiment of our nation and world steam rolls ahead at breakneck pace. What will be our response?


We are called to testify that there is MORE to this life. That's why Jesus says persecution and threats are opportunity. We don't get down because we know our end is in God's hands. This is witness! This is testimony! 

Even now in the day to day of life. Too many Christians are getting far too comfortable with this place. Too many upset with what's happening in our government or politics. This Earth is NOT our home! Too many Christians get worked up when they lose money or title. Too many Christians act like the sky is falling when things don't go their way! This Earth is NOT our home!

Yes, we can and should enjoy life. Yes, we can live well. But when obstacles and problems arise it is our chance to be the difference because we know who holds our eternal future! We know NOTHING can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. We know our light and momentary afflictions are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in us. 

I see it starting in this country. Hostility here and there. Right now on the fringes of society, few and far between. But every year it seems to get progressively worse. Turn on the TV, the only group that is perfectly okay to marginalize and demonize are the evangelical Christians. Eventually those who hold the faith in truth will be the persecuted members of society. 

Guess what Jesus says? THAT is our opportunity. Even now is our opportunity. To bless when people curse. To love and pray for our enemies and not react defensively... the Lord is our defense! 

When you face trouble because of your faith - think differently. It's not an obstacle, it's an opportunity to show the world that someone truly believes there is MORE BEYOND!

Jesus I thank you that you are preparing for us a home in heaven. I pray Holy Spirit help me keep my eyes on that holy habitation! To forget the troubles of this life and to live with hope and expectancy. To be positive that I'm on my way to a glorious home with You forever! Amen!


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