Do NOT Let Anyone Tell You What You Should Expect From Jesus

When it comes to prayer... we can either let our prayers, we can sometimes limit what God can do. This was NOT the case of the blind beggar in Luke 18.  He cries out for Jesus' attention and as usual the followers see him as a nuisance. He did two things really well.

1. He refused to let someone else dictate his prayer life.
2. He believed Jesus can and will do the impossible!

The people tried to shut him up. He could have. He could have said, "What's the use? This is my station in life." But he didn't! I wonder what prayers have we stopped praying because someone thought we were a nuisance or bother.  What have we settled for from Jesus because we've listened to those who were close to him.

Sometimes I get intimidated by the "Theological" types.  After all, they should know God the best, right?  They have a degree from an institution and letters after their last name that should mean something.  They are close to Jesus, they know Jesus, and they've surrounded Jesus for a lot longer than me.

Yet It's always amazed me how the most educated theologians of today's generation seem to live such small lives when it comes to what Jesus can and WILL do! They've argued themselves right out of God's best because they've found enough proof to suppose that He lives in their little theological box!

But every once in a while a blind hopeless beggar has the audacity to ask Jesus for something the theological geniuses have already written him off from doing!

Jesus asks this man what he wants for two reasons... to reveal the man's heart and to show HIS POWER! What do you expect from Jesus?

He could have asked for money? Perhaps for a word of encouragement... a good theological discussion.


He asks to see.  A blind beggar has the audacity to see what no one else could see - Jesus' unlimited power.

He's audacious enough, uneducated enough and reckless enough to have faith undeterred from the experts!


What are you asking God for?  Have your prayers been shaped by the opinions or expertise of others? Have you stopped praying for something because someone tried to make you look foolish to believe God for it?  Are you going to give in? Or are you going to ignore them and seek Jesus!

Father, you can do all things! You are greater than my heart and my feelings. Forgive me for limiting you and letting other limit what I believe from You! May my theological studies NEVER chase my faith out of town!  In Jesus' Name!


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