Obedience Produces Great Timing!

There's really is no substitute for obedience to God's word. The women who anointed Jesus' body for burial did something very interesting at the end of Luke 23. Please remember, their Lord and Master has just been brutally tortured and executed and all their hopes seem to have died with him.

Their own people the Jews sought his arrest, trial, conviction and death. It seemed as though even their own people were against them. They prepared to anoint Jesus's body for burial as was proper and fitting according to custom.  Then here's what Luke says:

Luke 23:56 Then they returned and prepared spices and ointments. On the Sabbath they rested according to the commandment.

I know it's a small thing in light of what is just happened concerning Jesus, but we cannot overlook it. These women rested on the Sabbath right after they lost their precious Lord. And with the world seemingly turned against them, their hearts broken and facing great fears of what people might do to them who followed Him, they still kept God's commandment concerning the Sabbath.

How many of us tend to think hard times give us an excuse to disregard God's Word? Like when we feel cheated or wrongly treated...  Do we then disregard His Word because of our situation?

These women are examples for us all. God takes His Word seriously. He wants us to do it. There is no substitute for obeying Him. No matter how we feel or what life has brought against us, or what we are facing, the best choice is always obedience.

We need to stop letting our circumstances dictate our response to the Word of God. We need to place our trust fully in what he says even when it's not convenient. And we must obey especially when our emotions are wrecked. 

I wonder if this is why Jesus appeared to these women first. Because they honored and obeyed God's Word at all times. I wonder if some of us are not experiencing Christ personally because we disregard His word according to our convenience or feelings. Think about it, they rested this day and came back the next day, the very day he rose again. If they had worked to anoint him on the Sabbath they would've finished they work gone home and missed that resurrection morning experience! Obedience always leads to perfect timing.

There is no substitute for obedience.

Psalm 138:2 You have exalted above all things Your Name and Your Word

In the end we need to get over feelings and we need to get over our experiences and we need to get over ourselves we need to get under God's Word and submit. To do it even when we don't feel like it.

Father I want to open you. I want to honor your word with my actions. I want to do what you tell me to do even when it's not convenient and even when I don't feel like it. I know that you have establish your word. Even if heaven and earth disappear your word remains. Help me to have an obedient and submissive heart. In Jesus name, amen!


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