
Don't just sit there.
Enough waiting for something to happen!
You have this moment, the next (possibly) to go make the  future happen in YOUR favor.
You can sit on the sidelines and watch someone else reach their dreams or you can play your game.
You may not realize this but the clock is running out on you right now.
Every second counts.
You CAN do something about your future if you CHOOSE to do so.

Sound more like Tony Robbins than a Bible lesson?  Look at the first parable in Luke 16 and get back to me....

... Are you back?  Good.

Did you read what I read?  Were you shocked?  That's Jesus for you.  Never quite fitting our "mold".

Luke 16:3 (ESV) And the manager said to himself, ‘What shall I do, since my master is taking the management away from me? I am not strong enough to dig, and I am ashamed to beg.

Luke 16:9 (ESV) And I tell you, make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous wealth, so that when it fails they may receive you into the eternal dwellings.

A wasteful manager is losing his job (as well he should) and starts cutting deals to better his future. He sounds like a undermining outbound employee.  But Jesus commends him for being shrewd.


Because here was a man who was aware of his future. He knew his job was temporary. So many of us think our time on Earth is everlasting.  It is not.  We have only a short while here.  The next part of our eternity is MUCH MUCH more important.

Here was a man who was honest with himself.  He knew his limitations.  He didn't want to beg, and he wasn't strong enough to dig! How many people are trying to be something they aren't!  How many want someone else's life and calling.  He knew what he couldn't do.  And he knew what he wouldn't do.  Which helped him realize what he SHOULD do!  One of the ways you can find your calling in life is by eliminating the things you know you should NOT or could NOT do.  What's left?  You may have found it!

Here was a man who didn't hesitate to make others happy.  You can get far in life by serving the interests of others.  Even the Bible says in Philippians 2:4 (ESV) Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. 

You have a choice when it comes to others... you can either be against them, skeptical of them, jealous of them, even out to beat them... OR you can help them.  Jesus is talking about leading people to faith in Him, I'm sure... BUT... in general life principles what we sow in the lives of others we will reap.

Here was a man who knew what really mattered. The present job was passing away. The future one hangs in the balance with what he did here and now. He made the MOST of THIS moment for the FUTURE.

Jesus commends we who do the same in His Name!

Father, help me to keep my eye on eternity. Your will be done. Your kingdom come. Have your way in my life and give me a burning desire to prepare for heaven. 


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