Gifts are Gifts - 1 Corinthians START

Don't mistake gifting for godliness. I know it hard to hear but many gifted individuals have led miserable lives of ruin behind them.

Case in point: The Church in Corinth.

Paul opens one of his sternest letters to any church with this commendation to the Corinthian Christians:
1 Corinthians 1:7 (ESV) you are not lacking in any gift, as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ,

They had ALL the gifts. The did not lack in any of them. In chapter 12 Paul is going to sort them out about how to use them. But that's the least of this church's problems.  

There were factions.
There was sexual immorality.
A guy was sleeping with is step-mother and they were proud!
There was chaos in the church meetings.
There was disorder in their body.
There were some who taught others the resurrection wasn't real.

And this was a very gifted church in a very prominent city. 

Sometimes I struggle with this reconciliation... Giftedness is not a sign of Godliness. Very bad people can be gifted. Remember Jesus said some would say, "Did we not cast out demons and prophesy in your name" to which the Lord will reply "Depart from me, I never knew you workers of iniquity." Yikes!

What's the lesson? First, don't mistake charisma for character. Charisma is easy to fake, character is developed in humility and time. 

Second, remember gifts are gifts! You don't earn them. They are given to you by grace. Remember Jesus said, "God causes the rain to fall on the just and the unjust." Back up a few verses and you'll see what I mean. Paul says: 
1 Corinthians 1:4 (ESV) I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus,

Think of it this way - if you cannot earn the greatest gift of God - the gift of grace in Christ, how do you ever expect to earn any gift of God, whether prophecy, miracles, healing, tongues? It can't be done. We can and should seek the greater gifts and ask for them, but we can never earn them.  

Third, don't seek the gifts only. Gifts make you look good to others, Christ-likeness makes you be good to those closest to you. Gifts are for this life, Christ-likeness is eternal. Gifts are momentary blessings, Christ-like character is a sure foundation in any situation.

Father, help me to change inside. I want those closest to me to be the most blessed by my life and ways. I want to be an example to those who know me best. I thank you for the sustaining grace You give. Make your Name glorious in Me.


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